Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What in the world?? | Work on it Wednesday

That's what I keep asking myself... 

So far today  I missed the exit dropping the kids off at GG's, forgot my computer at home, screwed up a simple digital signing and managed to forget my lunch at home... twice.

I mean I had to leave a note on my bosses desk this morning that stated, "I forgot my computer at home (and apparently my brain).  I should be back in 30-40 minutes.  Sorry!"  How did I forget my computer??  Nearly my entire day is spent working on a computer.  

I'm sorry all of my good senses have vacated today.  Watch out world!

This poor blog has been all but forgotten about.  For real, for real, the last time I posted something was in August... by my calculations that was last season.  Literally.  The goal I gave myself when I started this was at least one post per week.  ONE PER WEEK.  

Yup, let that marinate in your brain.  

My availability in one whole week was so limited that I couldn't spend one hour doing a quick brain dump?  One hour out of 168 hours?  That's less that 1% of a week.  Sixty minutes out of 10,080 hours?  That's a shame.

You know what else is a shame?  My fitness level.  

The bare minimum that I need to spend on that is three to four hours per week.  That is just over 2% of the week.  Fitness is so, so, so important, not just for your body but your mind too.

What am I doing??  Who knows what I'm doing?  (Not I said the goose! j/k)  Apparently I'm trying to find ways to sabotage any additional time that could have been spent productively.  
So that means, Work-on-it-Wednesday has a new project to focus on, ME!

I'm going to work on myself (again).  I mean as human beings if we aren't a work in progress than we're just lumps on a log right?  


This week I'll be going back to my tried and true methods of getting stuff done, lists.  Who doesn't love a good list?  Not exclusive to my phone either.  I talking about breaking out my favorite Pilot PreciseGrip Extra Fine Liquid Pens in multiple colors and getting busy.  If you find this nerdy I don't blame you but I embrace every bit of this nerdiness. Color makes everything more fun right?  Well, except when it comes to my clothes, then I'm loving all things grey and black... 

So, breakout your paper and lets get started!  I don't care if I write things in a notebook, diary, steno pad or composition book because the more I write lists the more I remember to do and I need to get things in order.  

Flying by the seat of my pants isn't working even if I am trying to live a little less serious!

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